Why Should A Young Person Have Health Insurance?

Why Health Insurance is Essential

Health insurance is crucial for protecting your savings and investments from unforeseen medical expenses. Medical costs in India have been escalating annually, often outpacing salary increments and general inflation. To mitigate this financial burden, it’s wise to have a comprehensive health insurance plan and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of Buying Health Insurance at a Young Age

1. Lower Cost

  • Health insurance premiums are lower for younger individuals since they are calculated based on age.

2. Higher Coverage

  • Younger, healthier individuals can obtain higher coverage or sum insured for a lower premium.

3. Fewer Pre-Existing Conditions

  • Young people are less likely to have chronic illnesses, making it easier to get insurance approval. Any waiting period for pre-existing conditions will likely pass before hospitalization is needed.


4. Tax Benefits

  • Health insurance premiums up to ₹25,000/- can be claimed as a deduction while filing tax returns. An additional ₹25,000/- can be claimed for insuring parents, increasing to ₹50,000/- for senior citizen parents.

5. Independence from Employer Insurance

  • Frequent job changes or entrepreneurship can lead to gaps in employer-provided health coverage. Having personal health insurance ensures continuous protection.

6. Comprehensive Plans

  • Younger individuals can purchase comprehensive plans with fewer restrictions or exclusions. As you age, the likelihood of exclusions for lifestyle-related illnesses increases.

7. Bonuses

  • Insurers often offer no-claim bonuses, increasing coverage each year without claims. Some plans include free medical check-ups for early illness detection.

8. Accident Coverage

  • Accidents are covered from day one in health insurance plans, safeguarding your financial well-being against unexpected events.

9. Peace of Mind

  • Health insurance mitigates the financial risk of medical emergencies, allowing you to focus on recovery rather than worrying about hospital bills.

10. Family Protection

  • Health insurance with tax benefits makes it sensible to cover your entire family.

11. Securing Your Financial Future

  • Continuous renewal of health insurance throughout life ensures coverage in old age when medical expenses are higher due to inflation and age-related conditions.

12. Protecting Your Assets

  • Health insurance prevents healthcare costs from derailing your financial progress and potentially leading to bankruptcy.


Don’t wait for a crisis to recognize the importance of health insurance. Purchasing a plan while you’re young is cost-effective and ensures continuous protection, especially during job transitions or entrepreneurial pursuits. This small annual investment provides peace of mind and secures your financial future, safeguarding your hard-earned assets from the burden of medical expenses.