The Importance Of Coverage For Pre-Existing Conditions In Health Insurance

Dealing with a health issue can be both costly and frustrating, and the high cost of medical care is a major reason why many people go without insurance or are uninsured. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that your health insurance plan covers any pre-existing conditions. This can be particularly challenging if your health has recently changed. Many people rely on their savings and employer-provided health insurance to manage medical emergencies and rising healthcare costs.

Understanding Pre-Existing Conditions in Health Insurance

A pre-existing condition is any health issue or medical condition that affects the policyholder before purchasing an insurance policy. These conditions can range from minor issues like high blood pressure, thyroid problems, or asthma to more serious conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or cancer. Pre-existing conditions pose a higher financial risk to insurance providers due to the increased need for medical care. Here are some key points to consider when evaluating health insurance policies with pre-existing medical conditions in mind.


Coverage for Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

Many insurers now offer coverage for pre-existing medical conditions with a minimum waiting period clause. Therefore, there is no need to withhold any medical history or information about existing conditions. Hiding such information could lead to claim rejections.

The Importance of Voluntary Health Check-Ups

A voluntary health check-up can confirm any suspected health conditions and establish your fitness level. This can be beneficial during evaluations by underwriters, helping you obtain a clear policy.

Understanding Your Plan’s Conditions and Exclusions

It is essential to know where to find your plan’s conditions and exclusions. This information will help you understand what is covered and what is not, which is crucial for determining if a particular condition falls within the plan’s coverage. Some plans provide detailed lists of conditions and exclusions online. Always read the fine print to know exactly what your plan covers and what it does not.

Adequate Care for Your Existing Conditions

As long as your plan does not have unreasonable exclusions for pre-existing conditions, you should be able to get coverage for your existing medical issues. Be open and honest with your health insurance company about your health status so they can better understand your situation and make necessary adjustments. This approach ensures that your coverage adequately addresses your existing conditions.

The Option of Portability

Choosing the right health insurance plan is important, but so is assessing your insurance needs and what you’re getting in return. If your current health insurance does not meet your requirements, you can switch to a more comprehensive plan like the ManipalCigna ProHealth Prime Packages. The portability feature allows you to move between insurance providers after serving the waiting period, ensuring that you do not lose any policy benefits related to pre-existing medical conditions or critical illness cover.


Health insurance can be complex, but new-age plans like the ManipalCigna ProHealth Prime Insurance Packages ensure that your coverage is sufficient for your existing conditions without significantly increasing your rates. In today’s fast-paced world, with a higher risk of infections and unhealthy lifestyle choices, it is wise to invest in a comprehensive health insurance plan to protect yourself and your loved ones.