Examining Health Insurance Policies: Significance & Advantages

Choosing Health Insurance Based on Age and Changing Health Needs

As you age, your health status and insurance needs evolve. Life events like marriage, having children, or developing lifestyle-related illnesses impact your requirements. Medical costs tend to increase over time, making adequate health coverage essential.

When Should You Buy Health Insurance?

It’s advisable to purchase health insurance as soon as you start earning. At a younger age, you generally enjoy more coverage options at lower costs. As you age, the likelihood of developing chronic illnesses increases, which can result in higher premiums or exclusions of certain conditions from your policy. Starting early ensures comprehensive coverage.

Common Health Issues by Age

As you age, your body undergoes normal wear and tear, leading to various health issues. Here are the most common health problems categorized by age group:


  • Ages 30-40

Bone and Muscle Issues:

Many Indians, due to a vegetarian diet and lack of sufficient sunlight, suffer from deficiencies in calcium, potassium, vitamin B12, and D3. This often leads to bone issues like osteoporosis and arthritis.

  • Ages 40-50

Vision Loss:

Vision deterioration is common, with most people over 40 needing prescription glasses. Rural areas often lack access to adequate eye care. Cardiac and Vascular Conditions:

Indians are more prone to heart attacks and strokes, possibly due to genetics and lifestyle factors. Blood pressure issues are also prevalent.

  • Ages 50-60


Flu can lead to serious complications like pneumonia, especially in those over 55. Annual flu shots are recommended. Hearing Loss:

Long-term exposure to loud noises can lead to hearing loss. Advanced treatments significantly improve the quality of life.

  • Ages 60-70


While cancer can affect anyone, its prevalence increases with age. Early detection and treatment are crucial, though costly. Good health insurance or a critical illness cover can help manage expenses.

  • Age 70 and Above


Memory loss and conditions like Alzheimer’s become more common. These conditions are challenging for both patients and their families. Falls/Accidents:

Older adults take longer to recover from falls and accidents, which can lead to prolonged bed rest and reduced quality of life.

Increasing Coverage with Age

As you get older, it’s wise to increase your health insurance coverage to account for rising medical costs and a growing family. Being prepared for medical uncertainties with adequate health insurance relieves financial stress, allowing you to focus on recovery.


Health insurance is crucial for managing the financial risks associated with medical treatments. By understanding and anticipating your changing health needs, you can ensure that you have adequate coverage at every stage of life. Investing in health insurance early and updating your coverage as needed will help you face medical challenges with confidence.